pirmdiena, 2012. gada 3. decembris

Turmalīna zeķes, sieviešu zeķubikses un iekšzoles, kas stimulē pēdas reflektorās zonas un palīdz zaudēt svaru

Kājas ir daļa no mūsu pamata balsta-kustību sistēmas. Tās “atbild” par veselību un kopējo pašsajūtu. Kājās atrodas plašākais asinsvadu un bioloģiski aktīvo punktu tīkls, kas atbild par organisma veselību. Pētījumi pierāda, ka dienā cilvēks veic ap 8000 soļu, bet dzīves laikā – ap 110 tūkstošiem kilometru. Tā rezultātā kājas izjūt īpaši lielu slodzi.

 Nesāt ar bumbiņām iekšā.
Turmalīna zeķītes, sieviešu zeķubikses un iekšzoles:
  • stimulē pēdas reflektorās zonas;
  • uzlabo asins mikrocirkulāciju kājās;
  • palīdz  zaudēt svaru;
  • veic kāju statisko masāžu, stimulē asinsriti, kas atslābina muskuļus un locītavas;
  • palīdz astmas, hipertonijas, miega traucējumu, artrīta ārstēšanā;
  • mazina fizisko un psiholoģisko nogurumu;
  • apgaismo prātu;
  • ir antibakteriālas, siltas, mitrina kāju ādu;
  • uzsūc mitrumu un palīdz atbrīvoties no nepatīkama aromāta (Tu varēsi valkāt zeķītes līdz pat 4 dienām!);
  • ir mīkstas un ērtas;
  • uzlabo imunitāti, palīdz ātri izveseļoties (izārstē klepu 24-48 stundu laikā);
  • negatīvie joni, infrasarkanais starojums, ilgtermiņa efekts.

Zeķītes, sieviešu zeķubikses un iekšzoles var valkāt gan bērni, gan pieaugušie. Turmalīna zeķītes noderēs organisma aizsargspēju uzlabošanai, kuņģa problēmu un liekā svara mazināšanai, kā arī dismenorejas vai smaga psiholoģiska un fiziska ikdienas darba gadījumā. Nekādas kontrindikācijas nav ievērotas.
Materiāls: 100% kokvilna un likra, turmalīna bumbiņas, augstākās kvalitātes turmalīna šķiedra.

Toxic Cleansing With Far Infrared (FIR) Wave

One of the reasons FIR has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is the

ability of FIR waves to remove toxins, which are often at the core of many

health problems. Toxins that cannot be removed immediately after they

enter the body are encapsulated by clusters of water. Blood circulation

becomes blocked and the cellular energy impaired where these toxins

accumulate. However, when a 10-micron FIR wave is applied to water

molecules containing toxins, the water begins to vibrate. This vibration

reduces the ion bonds of the atoms that are holding together the molecules

of water. As the breakdown of the water molecules occurs, encapsulated

gases and other toxic materials are released. One study done by American

researchers showed that the sweat released by users of a FIR sauna  was

different that the sweat of people using a conventional sauna or doing

normal exercise. The non water portion of sweat released in a FIR sauna

was cholesterol, fat soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium,

ammonia and uric acid." - Dr. Kyuo, Japan.

The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology reports medical practitioners
make use of infrared radiant heat to treat sprains, strains, bursitis, peripheral vascular
diseases, arthritis, and muscle pain.

 Increases Blood Circulation and Oxygen Supply to Damaged Tissues  

Far Infrared therapy increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to damaged
tissues (aiding reduction of chronic joint and muscle pain or sport injuries), promotes
relaxation and comfort, induces sleep and relieves stress.

7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals 
Far Infrared is thought to be 7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals such
as mercury, aluminum, and even cholesterol's, nicotine, alcohol, ammonia, sulfuric
acid and other environmental toxins, as opposed to conventional heat or steam

 Potential Use of Far Infrared In Dental Clinics
Mr. Shu of Ninomiya Yuri Dental Clinic used far infrared ray in his dental clinic for

some years. "I have successfully treated many common dental diseases, for

instance, pyorrhea alveolaris, gum inflammation, tooth pain, and muscular spasm."

Mr. Shu indicated that the use of far infrared ray is undergoing research. Dr. Akira,

Director of the Meitoku Association of Dentists and Dr. Waaataru of the Kawano

Dental Hospital also use far infrared treatment on a regular basis for gum

inflammation and post dental pain suppression. - 'The Scientific Basis and

Therapeutic Benefits of Far Infrared Ray Therapy', Dr. Kyuo.